Saturday, March 9, 2013

Hows it and Aloha Everybody?!

Hows it and Aloha Everybody?!

Well! Another week. I feel like I'm always saying, "It's P-day again??" ha it's crazy how time flies here. The days are busy and long, but the weeks just zip by. 
And what about the 58 new missions huh? Pretty sweet ya?? I'm am so excited. My mission president was asked if he wanted the Hawaii mission to be split, but he decided not to since it's kind of hard with all the different islands and such. But Elder Annen's mission is being split oh my! Wow, that will be quite the change. It's no understatement that the Lord is hastening His work. He knows what He's doing, that's what I've come to find out.

So, I'm online now! Okay, obviously right now I'm online as I'm emailing, but what I mean is that I'm an online sister now! Let you tell you's spectacular! Absolutely terrific. And let me tell you why. I get to do the chats from like I told you, and while I'm waiting, I teach lessons through email to our investigators and if I have spare time, I surf and I feel like I know those websites like the back of my nametag. I know every person on "I'm on Mormon" and love love LOVE mormon messages! Ah! Who knew they were so sick! Seriously, if you haven't seen one, take the challenge from a sister missionary to watch one after you're done reading this. Or watch one right now! For missionaries, mormon messages are like watching the newest grammy award-winning film! (grammy is for films right?) Shoots, I can't remember. Anyway, the newest mormon message I love is called "Mountains to Climb"! Have you seen it? Oh my... it's only amazing! Please watch it and tell me what you think. Keep some tissues handy. It's necessary :D
What's really cool, is that Sister M and I will pray with people on chat...didn't think that was possible huh? I didn't before I got online either! Here's how it works: after teaching them a doctrine and inviting them to do something, we will ask to pray with them. We kneel by our computers and invite the person on the other end to kneel if they would like. One of us says the prayer and the other types. I was really hesitant at first because really, how effective can a prayer be if it's only being typed? The answer is, extremely. As Sister M gave the prayer and I typed it, goosebumps shot down my arms and I could literally feel the spirit surrounding the us. I don't know how to describe it other than that. It was so strong in fact, that I could barely type! My heart just pumps out of my chest every time. From these experiences of teaching and praying online, I have learned that the spirit always speaks when truth is revealed. That sounds so simple and so obvious! But really think about that. No matter no what language you're speaking, no matter if it is spoken or written, the spirit teaches. It's evidence that the spirit is what does the converting. Not us. Thank goodness. 

I can't believe all of my friends are coming home from their missions already! I totally remember going to their farewells and seeing their great examples. Well I love you all! Never forget, but more importantly, never forget that your Heavenly Father loves you. Keep smiling! Aloha!

love always,
Sister Annen

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